If you listen or read carefully, many times when the conversation is about ‘me time” it refers to taking regular periods of doing something you enjoy doing. These periods can be assumed to be from a deep breath to a few hours of pampering, but sometimes “me time” just ain’t enough!

I discovered this recently when I started taking “me-time” which I appreciated but I still felt stressed. I realised this was because I needed a longer period of time, to put in order the things that were taking up my time that prevented me from feeling the way I wanted to.

I didn’t do it the way I planned, but I’ve slowed down – somewhat. Now, I’m reassessing how to slow down without feeling I’m neglecting the people who need me. I’m fortunate to have friends who are counsellors and life coaches and although I don’t have regular sessions with them, professionally speaking counsellors shouldn’t work with their friends, I’ve enjoyed picking up things from them and using their friendships knowing they’ll tell me what I need to hear and not what I want to hear.

I’ve so many pictures to share with you and iCloud is crying to help me store them, but I just can’t get round to it.

Hoping to see you all on my continued journey. I’m here if you want to share…

My radio fans…My team and I are in pre-production for a new series. If you’d like any work experience, my producer is always on the look out!