Delia Dolor Corporate Communications assists companies and individuals to develop, cultivate and maintain a corporate identity or brand image. The consultancy provides initiatives to mould company images and orchestrate all internal and external communications to sustain a long-term positive reputation.

Working with companies and their teams, Delia guides associates to coordinate their actives to ensure that the entire organization is working toward the same strategic goals — and that their marketing collateral, websites and social media presence are aligned. Content is king therefore the message must be consistent. 

Delia delivers communication strategies that typically consists of written word: Internal and external reports, advertisements, website copy, promotional materials, email, press releases and spoken word: Meetings, seminars, press conferences, interviews, video, and non-spoken communication: Photographs, illustrations, infographics, general branding.

Corporate Communications plays a key role in how investors, employees and the general public perceive a company, and Delia’s experience in print, broadcast journalism, marketing and pr and hosting television and radio talk shows, makes Delia a great addition to your communication team.

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