What’s New
Hair I Go!
I've been really casual these days...Taking a break from filming has made me relax in so many ways and one of the things I did was to return to my natural hair. I must be honest though, and say that it wasn't planned. I was [...]
In Transition
As we’re moving on from The Dolor Factor to The Caribbean Show with Delia Dolor, if you have any information, press releases, news and events from the Caribbean or with Caribbean interests, you have two avenues to send them to.
Coming Soon…The Caribbean Show with Delia Dolor on the award-winning Colourful Radio. This weekly talk and music show brings listeners who are based mostly in the UK, with Caribbean roots or an interest in the Caribbean, up to date news, experiences and guests from all over the world. It connects listeners to people, stories and knowledge that they wouldn’t normally come across in their day-today lives.
CaribDirect.com always aims to bring you news from people who love the Caribbean who live in the UK, and worldwide. Conversing with people who use CaribDirect, I realised that they like the tidbits I offer that acknowledge where I got the information from, which I do most of the time.
Press releases are a great way to do this, so bombard me!
I welcome your thoughts on the areas you’re interested in, and if you have news and views of your own that you’d like shared, I am more than pleased to publish.
Email me: caribbeanshow@deliadolor.com or delia.dolor@caribdirect.com