Our health is the most important thing in our lives. If you don’t look after it then you don’t live as long as you can and there’s no ifs and buts about it. When you don’t look after yourself then you put the pressure not only on yourself but on others, who you probably love, to look after you — emotionally and financially. Do you want to do that? I’m sure you don’t.

So if you won’t do it for you, do it for them. Think of your spouse, mother, father, siblings, children, loved ones, having to make sacrifices for you, for a health issue you could have avoided if you had looked after yourself. As you know, many ailments are caused because we don’t look after our nutrition, by not exercising regularly and by not having the discipline or motivation to begin, and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Will you join me by taking the first step to make a commitment to look after your health, and ultimately of those who love you?

Please reply “YES” here or to delia@deliadolor.com and let’s work together to achieve a realistic health path. I’ll be in touch.

A healthy, prosperous, peaceful and safe 2016 to you and yours.
