Hello everyone! We're in the latter part of 2023. How time flies! I've been reviewing the resolutions I made in January, and I'm proud to say I've done mostly everything I said I wanted to do...Even though there were just a few of them. I'm still battling with my weight. I admit to eating lots [...]

Keep Safe!

Hello! Welcome to my page. I hope you're keeping safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and using the time to reflect. I know I have. As a 'media allrounder', I've been looking through my files, reflecting and planning and my results feature here. If you'd like to let me know what you're up to, or want [...]

Thank you for taking time out to take a look at the things that make me, me! I call myself a “media jack of all trades” and I believe learning can’t be done without listening, so I’m always receptive to thoughts and ideas. If you’d like to collaborate or ask me questions, get in touch [...]

Thank You for Joining Me!

There's so much going on that I couldn't possibly put it all on a website, but since you're here, it means you're interested in me and I thank you. I'd like to know about you too, so if you send me information about the things you do, what interests you, what you're involved in; if [...]

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