Porcshe to Go!

Anyone who knows me knows I love cars; fast ones, vintage ones, the classics, so when I came across this beauty at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, I had to stop, stare, read and have a huge smile for the rest of my travel. I learned from this plate that the first vehicle to bear the Porsche [...]

Classical Delights

I’ve been touring...meeting some decdicated musicians who have become friends during our time with the Colour of Music, a festival that features Black classical musicians. The Festival started in Charleston, South Carolina, but recently performed in Houston, Pittsburgh and Richmond. For the first time I witnessed an organ recital by Eldred Marshall at the Organ [...]

Friends Catchup

In my show recently I mentioned people who helped carved my career. Here's one of them - Sherry Dixon. This lady is just awesome. Over the years we have spent time sharing, caring, learning, experiencing work and life together. Both editors of SHE Caribbean magazine and hosts of our own UK radio shows- what I [...]

Earthy Scenes

At the Gulf City Mall in Lowlands, Tobago, I came across this Earth Day exhibition from children in the area. I was amazed at the thought that had gone to produce these pictures and would have loved to meet the children to hear how they decided what they were going to paint. Earth Day is now [...]

East Winds Gem

East Winds, Saint Lucia, that’s the place to be for total relaxation and if you love nature, a visit is a definite MUST. Every time I visit Saint Lucia there are two resorts I always go to and East Winds is one of them. Here I am celebrating with Judith Milne, Managing Partner and General Manager [...]

Joseph’s Sign

Going through my photo archives, I came across this wonderful picture of Joseph Marcell, yes, Geoffrey the butler from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and more recently Sir Derek Walcott's Omeros. I didn't know he was in Saint Lucia, so it was really nice to bump into him. My friend couldn't believe her luck so [...]

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