About Delia Dolor

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So far Delia Dolor has created 607 blog entries.

Caribbean News Review May 2021

If you're behind with your Caribbean news, this will take you back to May 2021. June 2021 newscast will be published on Sunday, May 27 at 3pm GMT on www.caribdirect.com

Fathers Day Podcast

If you missed Metaphorically Speaking with Delia Dolor this week, it's on our podcast from Wednesday, 23rd June at 9am. Hope you visit, like the show and subscribe. My guest is comedian and writer, Geoff Schumann. We spoke about tough love, upbringing and...! Click and take a 20 second listen! Or listen NOW https://www.colourful.com/shows/delia Why [...]

Could you stand the heat?

Frederick Norton and FilmTT have a winner in this saucy show! Here's a clip of it from caribdirect.com's News Review. Tell us which celebrity you think should be in the "Hot Seat!'

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