

What’s New

Natalie is Unforgetable

Lately, I've been listening to Natalie Cole's music more and more. It calms me and inspires me. I'm sad when I realise she's no longer with us, but like her dad Nat, they've left many memorable songs and thoughts. Just wanted to share this album [...]

By |February 17th, 2016|Categories: What's New|Tags: , , |0 Comments


Medical Herb Talk

My guest on this week’s The Dolor Factor on Colourful Radio, Kitty Campion, a medical herbalist, talks to me about using herbs for all sorts of things!

Kitty has written several books about a holistic approach to health and healing, including Handbook of Herbal Health, A Woman’s Herbal.

Kitty has trained in numerous areas of natural medicine including Iridology, bio resonance, reflexology and spiritual counselling. She believes that people desire a feeling of wholeness, and that the wellness of the mind, body and spirit contribute to a person’s outlook on life.

If you’re not sure what ails you, Kitty makes you think about avenues you may not have thought about to explore.

Available on podcast & catch up www.colourfulradio.com

By |June 26th, 2018|Categories: This Week on TDF|0 Comments

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