

What’s New

For more information on Face to Face's services watch The Dolor Factor on CaribVision from Friday 11 March at 7pm. Check www.deliadolor.com/dolor-factor for other broadcast dates.  

By |March 7th, 2016|Categories: What's New|0 Comments


Lola Around The World

My guest is Lola Odujinrin. Lola was born in South London and moved to Nigeria when he was little. He developed a fascination with flying from a young age, and qualified for his pilot’s licence aged 20. Now, after his solo around-the-world trip, he works as a pilot, and a motivational speaker, and believes that “nothing is impossible if you have a vision and act with purpose”.

His interview made me think about how some peoples’ fears are other peoples’ passion and I talk about this in Delia’s Diary with my account of a petrifying air experience.

The Dolor Factor on Colourful Radio – Thursday 12 July at 9am.

Available for playback and on podcast  –  www.colourfulradio.com

By |July 7th, 2018|Categories: This Week on TDF|0 Comments

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