Delia’s Large Role

Delia’s Escapades, which is featured on takes on an additional role in August — it will be placed on As CaribDirect’s Editor at Large, Delia aims to ensure the site’s content encourages visitors to get involved and send in any Caribbean news stories originating from the UK, US, the Caribbean, in fact, worldwide. Reports, [...]

The Dolor Factor on Colourful Radio Celebrates!

I can't believe it, but The Dolor Factor on Colourful Radio will be one year this month! To celebrate I'm catching up with my guests and it's really been great hearing the changes in their lives. I'm very proud that many of them said they enjoyed being on the show and they had received interview [...]

A History Snapshot

I visited the Boone Hall Plantation recently and learned so much about the plantation and South Carolina. I will be writing about the experience for magazine and online publication and I'll post on my home page when its in print. For now, here's some information taken from The pictures I took are of the [...]

Congratulations to Jodie Hodgson, Miss Caribbean UK 2016. Jodie wears a black lace with wine silk base gown with bird of paradise gold embroidery, inspired by the majestic of the peacock just before it spreads its feathers and explode with the vibrancy of life. Designer: Devon Johnson Devon designs Delia's next gown.

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