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So far Terry has created 77 blog entries.

James Dean Mural

If you are driving on Highway 90, just West of Marfa, you may see some Giant installations based on a James Dean character and Elizabeth Taylor. The art shows Dean’s character, Jett Rink, and other pieces from the 1956 movie. The last movie in James Dean’s short-lived career before his untimely death, “GIANT” was a [...]

Nashville, TN

Visiting Nashville has been one of my dreams! I was raised as a country music girl so the family front room had equipt me with the sounds I'd hear on my evening walks.   Of course I visited the Country Music Hall of Fame and the live bars and ate finger-lickin' BBQ's! I took this [...]

Boot Adventures

We often wear fashion and know more about the designer than the items’ history. I found this historical account of the Western boot from sheplers.com and didn’t want to edit it down as it was so interesting. “No one really knows who the original inventor of cowboy boots was. According to several different stories and [...]

MOH – Mental Heath with Jennifer Forester

Saint Lucia’s National Mental Wellness Centre, located on the Millennium Heights Medical Complex in Castries makes up part Saint Lucia's primary health care.  Executive Director, Jennifer Forrester tells Delia about the roles, services and information the public should know about the National Mental Wellness Centre. https://youtu.be/fTN2MtEOk7o For information on other programmes: Strategic Plan, Community Health Outcomes, Hospitals & [...]

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